Best Time To Start A Business

When Is Really The Best Time To Start A Business?

When is the ideal time to launch an online business?

Every successful brand, business, product starts with a plan.  A good plan decisively executed now is better than a perfect plan executed tomorrow.

There’s never been a better time to start a business. There’s never been the best time to be a great entrepreneur. Time will NOT stop ticking, but you can miss out great opportunities and stop growing.

The best time to give yourself the best shot at starting a business is now or never. It’s about time to act and implement what you have in mind now.

There’s a reason why you landed on this page, whether you’ve got a great business idea, but you don’t know how & where to start or maybe you are sick and tired of your job and you want to escape the corporate world, or maybe you are an artist, a practitioner and you want to leverage your time by automating your business online or… you just simply type this keyword “when is the best time to start a business” in Google.

I think I am a lot like you few years back. I wanted to start a business, but afraid of discovering the unknown. I want to have the full control of my time, be my own boss, work at my own pace, do the things that matters to me, but….

There’s a lot of arguments and reasons playing inside my mind, I know that I want to breakthrough to financial freedom, but….

If this is YOU, I think this post will help you a lot in deciding whether starting a business is for you or not.

The internet and the technology have created a new lifestyle in building your own business from home.

Here are few reasons why NOW is the best time to start your own business:

Taking Advantage Of The Technology.

We all want to have a better lifestyle & you can only have this if you know how to multiply your income.

Did you know that you can start a business now that is a million times cheaper than doing a brick and mortar business?

I used to be involved in building a multi-million dollar mainstream business for 16 years, and there’s nothing compare to an online business aside from minimal investment capital needed, you can leverage your time, effort and still generate a comfortable income to live a life that you deserve. You can even work wherever you want – at home, at the beach, coffee shop or on your vacation.

The technology has enabled the rise of small-business owners by eliminating some barriers to entry, with minimal investment needed, speeding distribution channels, you can go global, lowering overhead cost, automation and fast diversification. No matter what industry or where you set up your shop. Starting a business online is fun and flexible.

Email Marketing To Print Out Money (No Overhead Cost).

Email marketing is the efficient & effective way to enrich your relationship with your subscribers, existing clients and for you to stay in the loop with your future & repeat buyers.

When I first started my online business, I didn’t know my target market in much detail, but being exposed in the online industry for quite sometime now, I started to get some grip on it now and realized some benefits for my business.

Knowing your business market allows you to spend your marketing time and resources more effectively. You’ll learn what to prioritize by not spending too much time on activities that will not reap good results.

Maybe you have heard about email marketing before, but you do not comprehend what exactly is email marketing and how does it work and why you should consider this.

Does Email Marketing Will Make You Rich?

“Money is in your list”? Is it true?

I can only speak based on my own experience.  I started building my own lists on 2013, I found out that it does not matter what size of your lists, but what matters most is….to have a “RESPONSIVE” lists.  A lists that are ready and willing to put out their wallet for you. This is how you can make money from your lists!

Resources:  Email Marketing How Does It Works

Below is the screenshot of my paypal account. It was really a nice feeling getting up in the morning seeing a notification from paypal that you’ve made some money deposited to your account.

Best Time To Start A Business


Below is the screenshot of my ClickBank account.  This money did not just come from nowhere. There is a formula all behind this. There’s no easy get rich push button out there.  Getting rich quick, it doesn’t exist!


Best Time To Start A Business

Shadow Marketing (No Start Up Cost).

The best and easiest to start a business online if you do not have yet a product, website and if you don’t have yet a solid plan which industry to go or how to begin, then this shadow marketing is your best ticket.

Shadow marketing probably the best way to get started today. You launch other people’s product as an affiliate. You can work with new products that are being launched. Works especially well with a product that has a mass appeal.

All you need is to drive traffic to your affiliate link and when someone click and buy the product you are promoting, you make money immediately. You can simply set up your payment account for free and you are set & ready to go.

Creating your own product will take time, but I would definitely recommend you to do this in the near future, but for now this is not the best option because creating a product will even drag you to get started, procrastinate and in the end you will just lose your impulse to start your own business and simply quit.

I stumbled upon on this formula doing this shadow marketing few years back and this is how I started generating my first $839 online by promoting other people’s product – by being an affiliate.

I want you to get started and here’s my good news for you.

You can start by participating into my affiliate program & make a decision for yourself – how do you want to design your future?

Click here to learn more about the affiliate program

This is all about the baby steps, its about taking that first action, then gradually improving that action in building a business and a life that you deserve.

The pattern to success will never change, and you need to decide for yourself. I was so incredibly fortunate that I decided to move forward quit my job on may of 2012 and that decision took me to where I am now today, living the kind of lifestyle that I want and making an impact to other people’s lives.

The right time is now or never!

I’ve created this FREE VIDEO that reveals “The Ultimate Strategies To Breakthroughs For Money To Become The By-Product Of What You Do ~ To Design Your Future!”

This is designed for those extraordinary people ONLY committed to design their future at a level few may ever attain.

You will learn how to create your own breakthrough journey to get anything you want both in life and in business (if done correctly!) and create the stories you will tell for a lifetime as you learn, network and play while enjoying every bit of your breakthroughs process.

I’d love to hear your comments….

Tell me about your thoughts when is really the best time for you to start a business?  If it is not now, when? Leave me a comment below and if you have some questions, I’ll be glad to get back to you personally.
