how to manifest your dreams to stop living in poverty level

6 Best Formula How To Manifest Your Dreams (Stop Living In Poverty Level)

Manifest your dreams to end money uncertainties.

I wonder to myself, “What makes a person rich or poor? What makes a person to attain financial independence? Is there really a clear-cut definition of financial independence to create a version of the life you love?”

It seems that there’s no right and wrong answer to this because…

To one person, being financially free means extra money to pay their bills. But yet to some, it’s about retiring without a house mortgage to pay. Others describe financial independence by making 100,000/year. And to some, financial freedom is flying in a private jet than business class.

I doubt anyone knew about my story when my husband and I got married we were literally up to our eyeballs in debt and that was one of the lowest parts of our life. 

I’m so blessed with my life. I live a very comfortable life now, I travel 5-10 times a year exploring new places with my family with no free rides, no network marketing program, no free lunch, or anything.

So, how this thing happen? Today, you will discover my 6 best formula + watch the 13-minute powerful video I’ve ever created how to get anything you want. I invite you to come along with me for the journey…

If I can do it! so can you.

This is episode4, so if you haven’t watch yet my previous episodes, just go to my blog post.

6 Best Formula To Manifest Your Dreams (Stop Living In Poverty Level)

6 Best Formula To Manifest Your Dreams (Stop Living In Poverty Level)

1. Know Your Dark Side To Get What You Want

Knowing your dark side is important to get anything you want because once you are aware of your dark side you can be more rational with your money affairs. 

What is your definition of financial freedom?

I can tell you this…much of it seems to come down to making a CHOICE!

Our dark side is a mysterious place within us. Our belief system, feeling, thoughts, and personality trait. What are you afraid of? What are the distorted thoughts you keep trying to improve but end up falling back into these old bad habits and patterns? 

Being aware of your dark side will allow you to become more conscious when making decisions.

2. Let Go Of Your Old Reality

Why we’re always afraid to face our reality? And pretends that everything is just fine with us?

On the other side of us, we always wanted to have something. I want to be loved, to live more luxurious, be promoted or I want to be successful.

I know facing reality isn’t the easiest and fun thing to do, but to create the right reality you want, you need to let go of your old reality.

Work toward owning every part of your reality. Use your strengths instead of focusing on your weaknesses. 

Here’s the thing…when you focus on developing your strengths or anything that you know – you grow faster than when trying to improve your weaknesses.

3. Get Very Clear Of What You Want

I’ve had nothing to my name except the 17K US$ worth of debt and the countless sleepless nights.

So what is it that I do… 

I would say…It God’s way showing me there’s nothing impossible in this life.

No life is perfect.

We all have our own problems and challenges and the irony is…no one can escape from any battles in life. 

My husband and I were seriously buried in the debt-trap and felt as if there was no way out but we held one another accountable. We solemnly made a vow that we will do what it takes to get out of debt to secure our future.

And made a promise that every step we make should be one step up and never go back to that place, ever again. No matter what.

Being clear of what you want by having your own principle in life is a powerful formula in manifesting your dreams. 

One of my favorite books that I highly recommend to read is the “Principles” by Ray Dalio.  Ray Dalio, is one of the world’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, shares the unconventional principles that he developed any person or organization can adopt to help achieve their goals. 

Note: I’m an Amazon associate, thank you for your support. 

4. Make A Good Choice

So, in whatever we do – how we clean our house or how we run our day, we always have a choice!

Whether you make the right choice or the wrong one. They always come in pairs. How to manifest your dreams is depending on the choices that you habitually make every single day.

In my life, I chose to make huge sacrifices.

When I was drowning in debt, I made a lot of sacrifices to live within my means.

When I was living in New York where most Filipinos dream about going and work, I chose not to stay there.

I chose to end my job uncertainty by quitting my highly successful job and chose to build my business from home. It is my choice to turn my expertise to a successful consulting business and create my online course. I chose to #WFA (work from anywhere).

So, what did you choose to attain your financial freedom?

5. Owning Your Outcomes

There were a lot of CHOICES but owning your outcomes creates greater value to manifest your dreams.

There were roadblocks in my breakthrough journey from where I started to where I am today. 

There’s NO shortcut to any success.

What if I had chosen not to pay all my debts? Chosen not to leave the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps? What if I would have chosen to believe everyone in my life who said, and I quote, “you would be foolish to give up a steady pay-check and corporate job security to take a chance on something new?

I know I can’t be here now without God’s leading me to this path. I just chose to follow his lead and formed the right discipline and made the right decision when things looked impossible for me.

This means that you are responsible for ensuring that you get the outcomes that you INTENTIONALLY WANT.

If you’re afraid of not making it financially, afraid that you will not manifest your dream to life, then choose to be different! It’s your choice to breakthrough!

6. You Orchestrate

You are responsible for orchestrating to get the version of the life you want. No one does.

Listen, you have no idea where you will end up.

When I quit my job 8 years ago, I don’t know what the future holds for me. It is just about the little 6 baby steps I made especially during those difficult moments. Not knowing is the natural state of things but if you want to manifest your dreams, you can do this with intentions just like exactly what I did.

No one else will ever make your dreams come true. If you’re waiting for that to happen, you’ll wait FOREVER.


YOU have the power to make them happen. Literally, to get anything you want in your life – good health, perfect relationship, money or anything…

Make the right choice and own your outcomes.

Sadly, your own worst enemy…is yourself!

Do not fear of failures. Because I guarantee you that you will face a lot of them and even HUGE obstacles. Stay strong my friend, and go after what you want in life. It’s okay to be afraid, but don’t let it stop you from getting anything you want!

I hope that this post has helped you!

Don’t underestimate what you can accomplish.

Go grow and take full responsibility for your own outcomes to design your future. You won’t know what you don’t know until you actually do it.

Don’t always sit on the sidelines in the game of life when you could be out there living it! Life is short! Enjoy it to the fullest!

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