Shiny Object Syndrome How To Avoid It & Stay Focused

Shiny Object Syndrome How To Avoid It & Stay Focused

I know it is very difficult for someone (including myself) to always stay focused.

Shiny object syndrome is hard to avoid especially if you want to earn money fast. During my early days in this online business game, I used to be victimized by those shiny objects and big promises without exceptions.

Recently, I posted this screenshot in two different Facebook groups and I’ve got two different reactions.  One of the major reasons that people struggle to make money online is due to lack of focus or shiny object syndrome – thinking to make money fast.

The Root Of The Problem

You know the problem.  When someone posted something about money they’ve made, you get excited about it without deeply thinking the strategies behind it. Your adrenaline rush up with all your enthusiasm to make money too!

Then all of the sudden, you get frustrated with different challenges along your journey and easily give up and jump again to another shiny ideas and big promises  – a non-stop shiny object syndrome without getting any results.

Sounds familiar?

The Reward Of Staying Focused

I’m going to share some of my own ups and down with pursuing “shiny” object and hopefully some of these small lessons I learned can help you as well.

When I first got started online, I began with one blogging platform promoting other people’s product as an affiliate. I created my own  ebook as my free giveaway in exchange of an opt-ins (email address).  It was a success building my own customer data base (my own mailing lists).

I’ve got more than a thousand mailing lists and I had expectations that I will make tons of dollars from these mailing lists, but I failed due to my attempts of trying products after products – jumping from one shiny object to another opportunities without looking deeper on how to engage these lists.

I am consistently writing tons of email sequence almost every single day, but my open and click rate was zero.

This is really frustrating….

I got bored with lead generation and instead I put my entire focus on how to engage, retained my lists to turn them into a buyer. I focused mainly in knowing my customer avatar and from there I started to gain traction again in building a brand new set of audience, but this time I go deeper with them for them to be responsive.

After focusing to one thing at a time, I noticed some immediate results. I see money deposited to my different accounts.  I love it when I discover a way to make something that seems really complicated into something really simple.


Here’s what I suggest you do to stay focused:

  1.  Set a specific goal.

    Get a brand new journal, put your goal at the top of it and create a routine of actions around your goal. Be specific to your desire to breakthrough. Set a time frame to hit that goal. Once you do this & practice, you will experience a breakthrough and your life will never be the same again. It happens for me every year, and it will definitely happen for you too. This goal could be anything – it could be your target amount to hit, creating your website, building your first subscriber and so on.

  2.  Control your day.

    Don’t let Facebook or other social medias or your email mailbox control your day. Start your day with a purpose.  Focus on your most important task that you need to accomplish for the day with your most productive time. Each evening jot down all the things that you need to accomplish for the next day. Then the following morning, focus first to your no. 1 task that you need to complete before jumping to your no. 2 task. You can number your task by priority and work on number 1 first until its finished before moving onto the next ones.  Use a simple notebook and once you completed your task, you can just highlight those completed tasks.

  3. Map out your strategy.

    Put blinders and don’t follow what others are doing. Plan your business strategy that really makes sense to you and simply focus to pursue it.  Know your super niche that drives your energy each day and create a unique angle to build your own tribe. It’s okay to check your competitors online platform and see what they are doing, but put a twist on it to make you unique to stand out. Can you imagine what will be your life to be after 3 years or 5 years taking these small breakthroughs that you will create this year?  Most people procrastinate due to many reasons like they don’t have the money yet to start their own business or they don’t have time to do this now.  When exactly is the right time?

The right time is now or never.

Here’s the good news….

I’ve created this FREE VIDEO that reveals “The Ultimate Strategies To Breakthroughs For Money To Become The By-Product Of What You Do ~ To Design Your Future!”

This is designed for those extraordinary people ONLY committed to design their future at a level few may ever attain.

You will learn how to create your own breakthrough journey to get anything you want both in life and in business (if done correctly!) and create the stories you will tell for a lifetime as you learn, network and play while enjoying every bit of your breakthroughs process.

I’d love to hear your comments….

Tell me about your experience with these shiny objects and how did you manage this? Leave me a comment below and if you have some questions, I’ll be glad to get back to you personally.
