3 Big Reasons Why You Struggle To Choose Your Business Niche

Are you struggling to find your business niche? Or perhaps can’t narrow the choices to who you should offer your product or service?

If that’s you, you may think the reason you are in a holding pattern is one thing, when actually it’s something else, maybe not, but let’s be open to exploring this.

Are You Struggling To Choose Your Niche?

If you are running your own business but you’re not sure what niche to enter then you really need to pay closer attention to this because it is important to choose a niche before you get too far along in launching your business. You don’t want to waste any of your precious time and of course your money marketing to wrong people because if you can efficiently motivate a niche audience, you can unlock the leads that could transform your profitability in a matter of a weeks from today.

How To Choose Your Super Niche That Will Really Make You More Money

I’m going to show you how to choose your niche if you want to succeed in your long term business endeavor. But first you’ve got to understand that you’ve got control of your own business so, you will take the responsibility of all your actions and all of your outcome from your actions. In Business it is just about solving problems. So you need to spend your time to look for problems that you need to go out and speak to some people like a small group of people that you’re interested in.

Go and talk to them, understand them, ask them questions to really get to understand the pain points of other people that you’re interested in and when you are talking to them stop thinking about you, or about your product or your services.

Just focus to find the root cause of their current problem. Something that actually makes their life or business painful. Really understand that issue that they face. Not a problem for one individual, but a problem that’s wide spread among participants within a group of your interest, then once you’ve got an idea for it then that’s the solution. When you apply a solution to a problem and it works, then value is created. You know value is a byproduct of applying a solution to a problem. And when you do that, when the value is created, this is how to land your first consulting client. And the bigger the problem you solve, the bigger the money you can make.

Why Specialist Is More Fun Than A Generalist & Make More Money?

In a practical sense , if you needed heart surgery you aren’t going to your General Practitioner to get it. Like when my husband had his episode of heart attack I rushed him to heart hospital and look for the best heart doctor. You want the best heart specialist, the one who knows what they are doing right?

So if you will compare a specialist doctor with a general practitioner doctor you will see a long line waiting outside for this General Practitioner, maybe in a day the GP can serve 30-40 people while a heart specialist would probably have only  1-3 surgery per day, but he is earning 10x more than the GP right?

There is no difference in running your own consulting business. I know what you are thinking though, you don’t have this time to wait & learn to be a specialist because you want to make money as fast as you can. And here’s my good news. There’s no need for you to spend tons of dollars to any course just for you to land to your first high paying client because today I will show you the consulting building process that I personally use how I close my high paying clients and this is also the exact process how my other students and clients can close their first high paying client in just a short period of time even without a website or product to sell.

Where You Are In Your Life Right Now

I want you to stop and take a moment now. Look at your life situation. Look at where you are in life right now. It wasn’t anybody else who did it. You did it. You’re RESPONSIBLE! Until you understand that, you’ll never be able to take control over anything in your life. Now, that you are here, you don’t try to come up with the idea that you want to be successful and then you just start a business. Business isn’t about having that great ideas instead Business is just about solving problems. And that is why you are here. You are here to look for problems in a specific group of people.

So by narrowing down the group of people you serve or the problem you solve is really important in this building process in choosing your niche. The trade is this:

Instead of having an extremely small chance of someone 
from a wider or larger group of people buying from you, you have a much better chance of someone from a smaller group of people buying. You want to earn more so you can provide all the things for your family, so you can do the things that you really love doing, so you can have this financial and location independence. And The best companies in the world, the best entrepreneurs in the world, the richest people in the world, the most successful people in the world, they just solve the biggest problems.


It’s easier to become the best in the world at something specific & get paid what you’re worth. At this point, you put aside any thoughts like…

– I don’t have any product or 
– I don’t know how to create one or
– I am not ready for this
or I am not confident to do this.

Without picking a niche and without effective marketing, you have no customers, and without customers, you have no money. This means you specialize, instead of trying to be all things to serve all people. First, it’s too expensive to reach all people. Second, most people want to buy from specialists, not from a generalists. 

This is the most important part of this building process and most marketers or consulting business startups seems to neglect this. You can’t specialize in everything.

The internet is a treasure filled with marketing opportunities…if you know where to look. When you do and complete this process you will find your sweet spot where you can match your own skill set or skills that you can learn to serve your ideal group of people in the industry that you know and how you can help them with their needs and desires to solve their pain or make them feel good to
better their life?

So Take the time now in choosing your target niche by doing this exercise and create your ideal customer avatar.

At this point of time detach yourself to anything that you want to sell.