How to Use Google Keyword Planner To Rank on Organic Search

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that you can use to get targeted organic traffic for your business. 

You’ve probably spent a lot of money on ads only to find out that you can’t bring any sales? Or wondering how to generate passive income blogging? 

Everyone who has a blog knows that organic traffic is the best traffic you can hope to get. So how exactly can you find keywords to stand above your competition even as a new blogger?

In this article, I’m going to share the exact strategy I use to eliminate the guesswork in obtaining profitable keywords to rank, alongside my top must-have blogging tool keywords planner! 

How To Use The Google Keyword Planner Research Guide

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing search terms that users enter into search engines for their specific purpose.

If you want to drive organic traffic to your website then you need to create content around what people want to discover, learn, and get.

  • Know who you are trying to communicate with, and
  • Where they are within the buying process 

Organic traffic brings utmost importance than any other traffic.

There are several ways to reach your potential customers. 

Either you use YouTube and target those users who want to consume video content. Or use Facebook or Instagram to expand your following or share your content. 

And for fast traffic, you can tap to the no.1 and highest converting traffic in the world – Google Adwords. 

So, imagine if you already picked out your profitable keywords using my Keywords Planner, you don’t need to generate hundreds or thousands of clicks to get a sale. 

See below screenshot of my conversation rates:

Traffic has different intentions and will engage in different ways.

No matter how good your content actually is, it can take years for you to throw out your competitors from the top and first page of Google. 

That’s why we need to be strategic on how to use the Google Keyword Planner together with this strategic planner printable. 

And you can use my Google Keyword Strategic Planner discount code “STRATEGIC20” upon check out (if necessary), save 20% off.

The Secret of Google Keyword Planner To Grow Your Organic Traffic

As you might know, Google is our best business partner. 

Google ranks websites based on different factors. This means that more established blogs, with more backlinks and content published, will always have the upper hand. 

So, how to compete with your competitors who already have well-established blog content?

The Google Keyword Planner is the template I’ve been using to generate both organic and paid traffic. I simply couldn’t live without it. This tutorial is based on it, so if you want to follow along, be sure to get it here.

Step 1: Do proper keyword research

Do the research and brainstorm keywords that are related to your product or service that match those who are looking for it.

The strategy of keyword finding is to research your prospects.

Analyze and organize them before you spend your time, money, and energy writing blog content and for any paid advertising.

This involves looking deeper into:

  • What does your prospect think when they are searching online.
  • How do they think if they are typing on search engines?
  • And what they really want to get.

Step 2: Keywords Brain Dumping

Go to Google, what are they typing in the search engine box?

EXAMPLE: Your product is “Vacuum cleaner”. 

People may have in their mind the question of  “How to use a vacuum cleaner for car rugs”.

You’ll see below before a user finishes typing the question, there are potential search results that Google wants to give the user.

Be more specific. If your product is an “upright vacuum cleaner”, then you want to eliminate robotic vacuum cleaner or stick vacuum cleaner.

Gather all the keywords that are related to what you offer and list them down on this Strategic Keywords Planner that you can instantly download! 

Use this discount code “STRATEGIC20” upon check out (if necessary) to get it for only $21.60 instead of $27, save 20% off.

Step 3: Understand Your Target Customer-Buying Process

You need to know who you are trying to communicate with and where they are within the buying process before you look for the keywords to target them.

From the time your traffic landed on your website until they buys from you, your prospective clients pass through different stages called your sales funnel.

For that traffic who landed on your site, they are typically looking for something that can help them with their queries.

Always remember that traffic is not created equal, so provide what they need based on their buying process.

How To Get Started Using Google Keyword Planner

All you need is to create a Google Ads Account. 

Do not worry, you don’t need to spend any dime in opening a Google Ads Account. For now, our aim is to only find profitable keywords related to your product or service.

If you pick the wrong keywords, you’ll find yourself with little to no traffic, or even worst no sales.

So, let’s find you the right keywords.

Head on to Google Keyword Planner.

If you do not have an account yet with Google, you need to create one to access the Google Keyword Planner.

Click here to create Google Account.

Inside your Google Adwords Account, go to “Tools & Settings” – click “Planning”, then click the “Keyword Planner”.

Then click “Discover New Keywords”, enter products or services closely related to your business. 

Example: If you are selling “vacuum cleaners”, you can enter anything related to a vacuum cleaner such as best vacuum cleaner, upright vacuum cleaner, how to use a vacuum cleaner, etc.

Click “Get Results”.

Look for “Low Competition” and an “Average Monthly Searches” of at least 100-1K.

  • Avg. monthly searches: This shows how many searches the term receives every month, which keywords get the most traffic.
  • Competition: Represents how difficult is it to rank organically on the first page of Google.

So, get your Keywords Brain Dump Template ready. You’ll need it. Ideally, you will want to pay attention to keywords with low competition and 100 to 1000 searches per month.

There’s no magic number for what a good search volume is, it’s all about finding a balance.

The Google Keyword Planner tool provides search volume in broad buckets (10-100, 100-1k, 1k-10k, 10k-100k, and 100k-1M). 

If you want a precise search volume, you can opt to use Ubersuggest of Neil Patel ($29/month) or SEMRush (for professionals – $119.95/month).

But if you are just a new blogger, Google Keyword Planner is a good tool to start. 

Final Thoughts

The goal here, of course, is to find profitable keyword ideas that you can use for SEO to manage organic ranking and add them to your keywords brain dump template. 

Finding the keywords is only half of the battle. 

Now you have to strategically include them in your blog content if you want to accelerate your organic traffic.  At the end of the day, Google wants answers to people’s queries and not just keywords. 

So you need to be able to build on the foundation of keyword research and follow through with insightful and helpful articles for your targeted audience.

Go! Grow your expertise and design your IDEAL business!

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how to use google keyword planner

About Jeng Cua

After borrowing her lifestyle living paycheck to paycheck, this #WFA (Work From Anywhere) mom wouldn’t let anything stop her from chasing her dreams. Her mission is pretty simple – to help burnout professionals to create & implement their own business system to be their own boss without any fancy office!