How to Create a Business System to Work Smarter & Earn More

Feeling stuck with your life or career? Or perhaps would like to create a business system but don’t know how and where to start? 

You’re in the right place.

Ten years ago, I had no idea how to make money online. 

No technical skills. I started with a zero mailing list. Because of this, I spend hours trying to figure out how to show my business to people who are looking for it to make a sale. 

I’m a neat freak creature who knows how to create and implement systems because of my extensive experience in business for the last 25 years. I analyze my own hard evidence for what works and what doesn’t.

That’s why I think that this post to create a business system can be of benefit to you to work smarter. Not to depend on anyone or anything when it comes to money-making. 

Business Systems allow you to get focused, be productive, and make your business streamlined like a well-oiled machine to accelerate your profitability.

I’m going to use this post to take you through a few strategies you can implement to create a business system that can be beneficial to you to work smarter and earn more. 

If you’re convinced that this is the best way to make money but need guidance to get started, I invite you to sign up for my free video training today. I created this for solopreneurs (like me) and burnout mommies who are starting to look more into creating their no-ceiling income and want a shortcut to success. 

It initially took me 3 months to make my first $5,000 sales but you can start making sales this month even without any tech skills and no email list.

What is a Business System?

A business system is a set of principles and business strategies that all work together to achieve your income goals.

When you set your business system smoothly, you can step back and choose how much or little you want to work. Let the system do the work for you making you work smarter to earn more.

And when you set this up correctly, you’re then free to focus on more profitable activities like charging premium fees doing coaching. The best and smart way to use your time, energy, and expertise, while you generate more and more profits.

3 Simple Steps to Create your Business (Income) System:

Step 1: Find your Ikigai

Finding your Ikigai will help you get focused and be productive doing what you love. This will ultimately give you a clear direction in finding your purpose in life. 

I am sure that you are wondering why some people are more energized, motivated, and have a more fulfilling life while the majority are struggling in life and in business.  

Right after I quit my full-time job in 2012, I was all over the place without any direction. I spend months and months trying in vain how to make money because it was not fun giving up my monthly paychecks.

I’ve tried the law of attraction, read the secret book, and bought countless courses and I always ended where I started until… I discovered this Japanese Secret how to find my purpose doing what I love. 

You’ll discover what your IKIGAI is by asking four reflective questions. This is how the Japanese believe to create a happy, meaningful life, and longevity. 

Finding your Ikigai will help you discover what career or business path suits you to be excited to get out of bed with a clear purpose. 

IKIGAI is seen as the convergence of four primary elements:

  • What you love (your passion)
  • Discover what the world needs (your mission)
  • Find what you are good at (your vocation)
  • And what you can get paid for (your profession)

As you go through the process of creating a business system, IKIGAI will help you get to focus on things that matter to you and to your customers. 

Your IKIGAI will be the backbone (foundation) of your own business system on how to accelerate your income faster.

This is how I made a leap from charging $100 per client to $10,000 per client reducing my workload and taking a month-long vacation with my loved ones.

You can instantly download my Ikigai Planner that I personally designed with love from my Design Your Future Etsy Shop Here. 

Step 2: Set your business goals SMART

If you’re disappointed and tired in setting goals that you always fail to hit, maybe you don’t set your goals SMART. 

Whatever you want to achieve – profit, business system, early retirement, or strict budget no matter how great your intentions, you’ll need a clear-cut process for how to get there.

And if we don’t set goals, everything we do becomes frustrating. Our time, energy, money, and productivity will be wasted. 

The SMART goal means:

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Relevant
T – Time-bound

But here’s what most people do, and where they fail to achieve their business goals: When they write their new year resolution, they are enthusiastic about it, but after a few months, they stop working towards it. 

And, as a consequence, they stop achieving their goals. 

Systems come in all shapes and forms so take this opportunity to set goals that are SMART using these 5 effective ways (with examples) how to set up goals.  Without SMART goals your business system and future will suffer.

Step 3: Identify Your Business Positioning

Each business is unique. Even in a saturated niche like health and fitness, pets, and travel, you can build your own business universe that is truly unique for you.

And to help you add more stability in creating a business system, organize and present well your business to your target audience. Proper positioning is an extremely important part of your marketing strategies. 

Business positioning shapes what customers perceive your product or service relative to the competition. Understand that customers choose products based on their perception of how your product serves their needs and desires.  

Therefore, providing a superior value over your competition actually gives your business system the ability to scale faster.  And help you double, triple, or quadruple your income.

Here are some key elements to consider in business positioning:

  • When acquiring a business domain name, include your profitable keywords in it. 
  • Organize your website categories and sub-categories based on how you want your audience to take action on your CTA (call to action).
  • Always determine what keywords you want to target before you start writing your blog post content.
  • Gives your audience an in-depth look at what your business does on your “About” page.
  • Use a keyword tool like Google Keyword Planner to choose the right keywords suited for your business.
  • Plan your product roadmap to market your voice and sell it for a profit.
  • Leverage your business system by building your own army of affiliates with ClickBank as a product vendor.
  • Use tools like GetResponse to increase efficiency when sending emails, create pages, workflow, and marketing automation.

Final thoughts

It might take some time and trial and error to get your system up and running the way you want it.  But the rewards of creating it now to work smarter will be really worth it. 

Consider finding your IKIGAI, set your goal SMART, and identifying your business positioning will exceptionally help you to accelerate your income faster.

Also, it is essential that you track your progress and test what’s working and not working for you. 

Did you earn more profit? Did you convert your prospective clients into buyers? What were your hurdles or hiccups making your business system work? 

If it did not work, join my team of burnout mommies and solopreneurs to save hours of work and overwhelm in creating your no-ceiling income business system.

But regardless of if you choose to sign up for my training below, I know that the business system can be a great way to attain comfort, fulfillment, and financial freedom. So I want to encourage you to go for it!

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How to Make Passive Income Selling Digital Products

PART 1: What is passive income & how to create it.
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And, PART 3: The quickest way to get ClickBank affiliates to help you promote your product.

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business system

More Breakthrough Resources:

How to turn your expertise into income?
Try this 30-Day Be Your Own Boss Challenge to help you build, be in control, and automate to thrive in your business this year.

How to attract high-value coaching clients?
Check my 4-simple steps inside my free online masterclass.

How to crush your short-term and long-term goals?
Check my design your year kit and become who you want to be.

How to find your life purpose?
Check my “IKIGAI” action planner template to help you discover what career or business path that suits you.

About Jeng Cua

After borrowing her lifestyle living paycheck to paycheck, this #WFA (Work From Anywhere) mom wouldn’t let anything stop her from chasing her dreams. Her mission is pretty simple – to help burnout professional mommies to create and implement their business system to be their own boss and maximize their income without any fancy office!