life skills

Millionaires 5 Life Skills I Wish I Knew When I Was 13

Life skills is a term used to describe a set of basic skills acquired through learning and/or direct life experience that enable individuals and groups to effectively handle issues and problems commonly encountered in daily life. Source: British Council

Have you ever wish you have known things about life when you were younger?

Now that I am older and mother to a 20-year old daughter I know most of my advice will probably go in one ear and out the other.  When I speak, I often hear  “yeah, yeah!”.

When I was younger, I was one of those who actually want to try everything with curiosity [I think that’s one of the traits of a monkey], I procrastinate, love partying, and an organized neat freak creature! 

It seems so crazy to see that time flies so fast!

I now settle with my life, very blessed, and quite comfortable.  Time is flying simply because life is so beautiful and I am having so much fun doing the things that matter to me that are satisfying and fulfilling. 

5 Life Skills To Live Your Best Life

1. Life Principles in Place

From the time we were born until we go to school, we are brought up with different principles gradually instilled in us by our parents, teachers, relatives, friends, and our environment who influence us in general.

We were all designed with our brain, but the problem is that your brain will always fight with you. In everything we do and NOT do.  

When you try to accomplish things, go to the gym, eat ice cream, go partying, do business, or change a career your brain will always give you a hard time when it comes to decision making and that’s for sure!

Your brain tries to protect you & tell you that you will be hurt…
The brain will tell you not to do business because it’s risky…
Or don’t wear that because it’s not good…

Having life principles will help you to bring your thoughts to the forefront of your mind and helps you make a decision easier. 

Little Breakthrough Secret: Do not blindly follow anyone’s principles. Create one that gives you signals of how well these principles are performing or punishing your life.

2. Life Skill is Pay Attention To Reality

How you pay attention to reality will play an important role in how to deal with your situation. 

We all have different circumstances. Different kinds of upbringing, educational background, and experiences.

But here’s the thing… Our circumstances don’t affect our own success.

I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Yes, I am not nor my husband.  In fact, when I was living in New York I was living paycheck to paycheck.  It doesn’t matter which spoon or what kind of circumstances we have, our mindset is critical on how we want to turn the impossible to POSSIBLE! Let me explain why…

Some people will say “I can’t accomplish anything because I didn’t go to college”. Hello, knock – knock!!!!

Understand that this is ONLY your feeling about your circumstances. That feeling is not necessarily true.

Just think about this… most successful people on earth didn’t even finish college here are some of the few – Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Ralph Lauren,  Mark Zuckerberg, and John Rockefeller.

You do not need to be a master degree’s to be successful. You can design your future if you want to. It’s a CHOICE!

A question to ourselves, do we have enough courage to hold on to our dreams?

I am sure that you’ve heard this many times “if one can do it, many can do it, and I can do it too”.

If you will connect your circumstances and your feelings, that’s when your actions will follow. 

What if I listen to my little brain telling me that I will be foolish to quit my 8-5 job, then I will not be here writing this post today.

You need to control your brain and work towards your principles to pay attention to the reality because whatever actions you do from your feelings will create your own breakthrough.

Life skills to create the version of the life you want starts with:

#1:  Your CIRCUMSTANCES followed by
#2:  FEELINGS about your circumstances, then
#3:  ACTIONS of what you’re going to do based on your feelings, then
#4:  The RESULTS based on your actions 

3. Re-designing Your Skill Sets

There’s no better or right time to re-designing your skill sets. Detach yourself from any emotional feelings to de-rail you with your goals. Be rational!

Re-designing and developing your life skills will ultimately improve all areas of your life – relationships, performance, marriage, financial, spiritual, health, home, and business.

Grab opportunities when they come. Be open-minded, flexible & don’t stop learning to improve your situation.

Crushing your smart goals or anything you want is not easy. You will face obstacles & mostly failures.

Nevertheless, understand that from failures you will see progress. Put aside your fear & frustrations because your mistakes, weaknesses, and fears will not improve you.

4. Life Skill is Get Inspiration

I always tell my daughter to get inspiration because people see the world differently. 

There’s nothing better than to get motivated and stand on the shoulders of those who went before you. This is exactly what I did to compressed my time to expand my horizons to breakthrough.

Successful people are rare breeds. They have their own ways to solve problems and willing to take the risks by not letting their brain control them to be successful.

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” – Jim Rohn

You do not need to go deep into your soul to get inspired. You can find people you see as similar to your situation. Look at those successful people you see representing the success you would like to attain.

Having inspiration is how you connect your brain to learn, grow, and shape better decisions to make the world a better place for you. 

You never know, you might discover something to follow your passion and unleash your greatest potential. Pay attention to the people and world around you because developing your life skills is an ongoing process.

5. Be decisive & Always Take Action

It’s about strong-minded to decide and take action because no one is responsible to design what kind of future you want.

Rich people are decisive. Time for them is a valuable commodity and they share the same habits that poor people don’t do. 

Making a decision whether it is right or wrong is your road to living a better and happy life but making a decision is not enough. You have to act on it!


“Successful people are decisive. When opportunities come their way, they evaluate them carefully, make a decision, and take appropriate action. They know that indecision wastes time that could be spent on more productive tasks.” –  Napoleon Hill

Closing Thoughts

Life is not perfect and not everything goes as planned but honing your life skills can help you create a better life. 

As I grew older,  I’ve learned so much in life. I went from borrowing my lifestyle to living with certainty and I transitioned from corporate executive to be my own boss.  

So what had happened? What causes the transition?

I tended to view life skills as the soul of every outcome that you want to accomplish in life. Not a genius! I had a few skills that somehow I developed in time, not a world-class caliber though, but that was just enough to be the foundation of my life accomplishments and fulfillment.

To recap, here are the Millionaires 5 life skills I wish I knew when I was 13.

1.  Life principles in place

2.  Pay attention to reality

3.  Re-design your skill sets

4.   Get inspiration

5.   Be decisive and always take action

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