Four Percent Webinar Registration

The Four Percent Domination
Building an Irresistible Selling Machine
That Sells 24/7


You’ll Discover….

    • How to sell without selling and get paid big commissions – even if you are just getting started.
    • How to get paid from 3,5 and up to 10 companies without personally doing any selling.
    • How average people now have the most realistic shot at generating above average income online.
    • Why systems work and people fail.
    • Strategic plan for TOTAL DOMINATION – and why all the big “gurus” are getting behind this.
    • Discover how Millionaires find multiple ways to make money.
    • And more!

Dominate When It Comes To Selling Anything!


You MUST understand that in order for someone to “make money”, it must come from someone else who gives it to you for something in exchange of product or services.


Once you fully understand the flow of this and get comfortable with the concept of selling, then you are ready to step into a brand new world of “online marketing” that can create massive wealth (if done correctly), and be exposed to those REAL players who are market shifters and game changers.
If you take time to fully understand this right now, it can potentially change your entire life for the better.


Why is it people do the exact same thing, and get different results?

four percent domination

Have you ever been in a situation like you are doing everything you are taught, but you aren’t getting the results that others are getting doing the exact same thing?
Network marketing, affiliate marketing and online product marketing may first appear as easy ways to make money, but people soon realize that the web is not an easily tapped goldmine to generate money.  Internet marketing requires commitment and hard work and can quickly become overwhelming.

You are probably a very hard worker, but not lucky enough to get a raise. You are probably very busy, but not getting the results that you want, But….You probably hit the right place right now as the next person deserving success!  And it’s DEFINITELY your time.

But first, you might need to STOP your marketing strategies completely. Because there is a good chance that what you are currently doing will keep getting you the same results that you are currently getting.


If you want different results, you might need to start doing certain things in a certain way.  You need to embrace the short term inconvenience that will give you a long term convenience.


However, for those with the staying power to be extra-ordinary, Internet marketing is a great way to establish a lucrative online business.



WHY MOST PEOPLE FAIL?  Once a person doesn’t experience instant success with one, they tend to quickly switch to a new strategy, and then to another, and so on.  You probably buy program after program, but it always felt like you was just spending money and not making any.




The problem with doing this… that it means you’re not fully realizing the true meaning of success (small or big) & the potential of each marketing method. By constantly switching between strategies & product, you aren’t giving one particular strategy or product a chance to flourish.




Therefore it is vitally important that you test, test, and test some more with each process, strategy and theory, so you can rule out what doesn’t work and rule in what does for you.



Online/Affiliate Marketers
Network Marketers
Insurance Agent
Real Estate Broker
Business/Financial Consultant
Product Creators/Vendors




four percent webinar registration


The good news is we’ll show you a system, a path to success that you can follow, where you can model to whatever business or services you are doing and start focusing on working SmarternotHarder, the REAL foundation of building your own irresistible selling machine that will work for you 24/7!