Best Gift You Could Give Yourself

Best Gift You Could Give Yourself

best & priceless gift you could give yourself


Thinking of what’s the best gift you could give yourself on your birthday?

This week I celebrated my 48th birthday.

Gifts, flowers and parties are wonderful, but these are just some presents that are temporary  — whether you spend the night celebrating it with your friends & families or just another regular friday that passed.

When I was small, just like every kids – every Christmas & Birthdays, I have this excitement to open my gifts when I first wake up.  It’s a common ritual for me, but this year was different.



Best & Priceless gift you could give yourselfI was alone & got to spend a peaceful moments appreciating the love from my family & got to appreciate all the things happening to us – despite of my husband horrific experience of  3 heart attack episodes.  This is the most scary moment happened in our life together.   Don’t take  for granted the air that you breath each day, the water you drink, the people around you, as well as the opportunities knocking in front of you.

How do you want to live your life? How do you want to be remembered by your loved ones and by those people you’re working with?

My husband and I have this tradition for several years now – we normally celebrate our birthdays with the orphanage & share some gifts to unprivileged children. It’s a ritual we’ve done for the past years and will continue as long as we live.

  Here are 7 gifts I wish everyone would give themselves:

1. Be thankful for everything. Everything is happening for a reason. Appreciate the little moments, the opportunities that didn’t work out and the challenges you are facing in your career, business or relationship. Learn how to face and learn from them to improve it.

I’ve been in the online industry (working from home) for three years now and I’ve been to many ups & downs, trial & errors building my business.  I’ve learned  how to master the art of failure because every time I made mistakes or fail in doing something,  I  find my ways how to correct it.  Everything has its own reason so, every time you fall you just need to learn how to stand up again & learn fast from those mistakes.

2. Balance.
 Life is short. We are all given one life to live. You can do anything but not everything. Have time with your work, family and friends by balancing all together without burning you out.

Last year I had very unusual experience which I think none of you never experience.  July last year my mother in law got her intestine surgery then by November my younger brother rushed to the hospital due to stroke then by January this year, my father in law had heart attack and just after two weeks, I rushed my husband to the hospital due to heart attack.  We all have different challenges in life, we just need to learn how to face our own challenges positively. Balance everything & appreciate what you have because you never know for how long you will be with your loved ones.

3. Belief.
The sooner you give yourself permission to discover the unknown, you’ll start to realize just how your beliefs determine what you can manifest in life. You have to believe before you succeed.

I remember the day when I quit my full time job.  I have something inside of me that I want to design my life into my liking, but I was so afraid back then to escape the corporate world because of fear of giving up my fix salary. Sometimes it’s easy to sit down and think about how things could be, how easy to imagine something, but actually getting anything you seek can be extremely hard, but if you have an UNSTOPPABLE mindset to succeed and you change your paradigm there is NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE!

4. A willingness to learn more lessons.
Life is a journey, and you’re going to hit a lot of roadblocks along your way. If you open yourself  to breakthroughs in every phases of your journey, you’ll also open yourself up for more opportunities – quitting your job, ways to generate extra income, doing the things that you love, spending more time with your family which I think could be one of the best presents you could give yourself and to others around you.

After few years of hard work, personal development, dedication & positivity, I am receiving messages asking for some help – refer to below screenshots.


best gift you could give yourself




best gift you could give yourself


best gift you could give yourself



Because you deserve it, whether it’s your birthday or not.

I shooted this video on my birthday.  This is best suited for all those who wants to build a profitable online business that you can depend on for long term income generation.  This is my only way to put this up all together to help you.  This is NOT a “quick rich” solution, but the best gift you could give yourself too!


5. Good health. This goes for your body and your mind. Find a fitness routine that you love & do this everyday (if you can or 2-3 times/week), eat healthy food and always remember that good roots produce good fruits.

I am”on & off” when it comes to exercising and eating healthy food.  I love food (from Italian, Japanese, Western food, Arabic, Indian, Korean, Chinese, Filipino, German, Spicy, Sour, serpent head, scorpions) and I must admit that sometimes it’s hard for me to resist to eat junk foods, but when you know the bad results of eating some unhealthy food everyday, the accumulation of bad toxins in your body in time is not good at all.  Don’t abuse your body.  If you want to live longer in order for you to spend more time with your family and do the things that you love doing, you should watch your food intake and activities to stay healthy & fit.


6. Faith. Whether it’s in God’s hand or just yourself, every bad moments aren’t forever and things always have a way of working out. Life is a cycle – sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down.

There are things that we can control and cannot control.  Death, calamities, accidents, tragedy are some examples of things that we cannot control.

There are things that we can control such as career, your association to people, house location, business, what color of dress and shoes to wear and so much more.

I remember before quitting my job, there was one ridiculous requirement that the management is asking for us to implement in our operation which is impossible for us to do it, so this is when reasons ends, your FAITH BEGINS….


7.  Give Back.  It’s not all about the money to give back.  If you wait to have the money until you can do everything for everybody, instead of doing small good thing for somebody, you’ll end up not doing nothing for nobody. Touch someones life each day. Don’t wait for someone to greet you “hello” or “good morning”.  Make a gesture to do it first.


Here are some beautiful quotes in touching lives of other people:

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own.” ~ Disraeli

“From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” ~ Arthur Ashe

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” ~ Muhammad Ali

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by ‘I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was naked and you clothed me, I was homeless and you took me in.’ Hungry not only for bread — but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing — but naked for human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks — but homeless because of rejection.” ~ Mother Teresa

Giving yourself the best gift is all rooted from your own paradigm.   A paradigm is a new way of looking or thinking about something.   A new paradigm in life could mean a new way of understanding what matter most with your family – how you respond to the needs of your daughter, son or spouse or this could be changing your bad habits.   A new paradigm in business could mean reaching more customers or generating more profits.

Best Gift You Could Give Yourself – Doing What You Love!

Give your core desires the merit they deserve and go after them wholeheartedly. Don’t settle to be ordinary, be extra-ordinary to enjoy life to the fullest!  Everyone of us has the right to dream something – good career, car, house, business, traveling, financial freedom, healthy life and the list must go on and on…

In order for us to achieve anything in life, we need to understand that “success is a progressive realization of a worthy ideal” – I personally learned this from Earl Nightingale, the strangest secret.

It’s about time to give yourself what you deserve – the Best Gift EVER!

Create your own Breakthrough Moments, this is the best and priceless gift you could give yourself!

Learn how to create your own breakthroughs – A journey to the strangest secret to get anything you want in life when it comes to financially, spiritually & mentally!

Join this FREE Breakthrough Guide Training Program that sums up the most important aspects in building your own BREAKTHROUGHS for money to become the by-product of what you do.


 breakthrough journey
