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How Much Should I Charge For Consulting Work

Today we talk about how much you should charge for consulting work that creates a deep impact on your clients and the best lifestyle business for you to design your future.

Have you been wondering what it would be like to create your own high-end consulting services? When I started doing consultancy, I have apprehension to charge premium packages. It felt like I had to evaluate myself and then convince others of my worth. But pricing your consulting services doesn’t have to be a burden to create a deep impact on your client’s transformation.

Here are my best tips on how you charge for consulting work that keeps your clients happy, for you to stand out among your competition as well as to double or
even triple your consulting fees fast.

I want to recommend a radically different way for you to run your business which is to charge what you are really worth because with my 6 years doing my online business, packaging your own skill set by doing one-on-one consulting service is the best, surest and fastest way to double or triple your income working with your ideal clients who seek you out and gladly pay what you are worth without guilt or hesitation because it’s simply wonderful to work with a small number of group of people who compensate you well for your work.
Let’s simplify your business while dramatically improving your financial situation. My goal is to help you design your own rule in order for you to design your future by giving your clients a complete solution by bridging their current situation and take them all the way to the place they really want to be. So, for example, if you’re a relationship coach, you’re not just helping them with a Band-Aid solution like creating an online happy couple business website right? You’re working with every important aspect of what your clients need to do to have their desired result, in your area of expertise.
So ask yourself first these 2 questions: – What are you worth in your area of expertise? – and the value of your experience when setting your sticker price?
As an independent consultant, you must answer these 2 simple questions in order to know how much to charge for consulting that also speak to your value. Of course you do not want to fool yourself like you give advice how to save your marriage where you yourself just had a divorce or doing financial consulting where you yourself is struggling with your finances. People can feel that energy if you are just fooling yourself, they can feel this when they are talking to you, so just be yourself and just simply go and start by knowing who you really are. Don’t copy anyone out there because we have different finger prints and we all have different stories and expertise. Do you know exactly your strengths? What are you really good at?
Whether you’re an aspiring consultant trying to find your way how to start a consulting business, or an established consultant who wants to take your business up a notch, I hope this article will help you get a stronger grasp on how to maximize your earnings and at the same time satisfy your clients.

Pricing starts from within, so take a moment to look long term. What are your goals for your business and for yourself? Consulting income is sky’s the limit. But it’s up to you to establish how much income you want per month because consulting is how you can make thousands of dollars every time you sign up even just one new client per month and by feeling great in serving your clients with integrity and generosity and this will work for you regardless of your niche. You also need to remember that every client is different so your solution to each client will vary, so you need to use your ears more than your mouth. Learn how to listen and work with a small number of clients for you to generate a steady stream of income of high paying clients with predictability every single month.