Your Content Marketing Strategy Success Blueprint

Design Your Future

Content Marketing Step By Step Guide - Your ClickBank Affiliate Content Marketing Success Blueprint.

If you’re just getting started with content marketing as an affiliate, hold on tight because today I am putting together just for you the best marketing content strategies which cover all the basic stuff you need to get started to generate organic traffic.

Yes, free traffic.

In this article, we take a look at what content marketing is and how you can use it to generate traffic to your article.

But before we get started, make sure that you already grab your “Breakthrough Golden Secret” ClickBank Affiliate Hoplink, if you haven’t done it yet – watch the below video (time frame: 4:21).

If you want to join the affiliate with ClickBank challenge and rank#1 from Google make sure to leave me a comment after you read this.

The Perfect Content Marketing Strategy Blueprint

content marketing

Creating a content strategy is crucial for affiliate marketing success.

We find that a lot of affiliate marketers still need help with the basic digital content strategy. Even more specifically, people need help connecting the dots with all of the information available on how to promote a ClickBank product (and, according to Google Trends, searches for online business startup and consulting startup have been escalating).

1. Define Your Content Marketing Goal

Creating content can feel discouraging especially if you are a total beginner.

TIP: Remember to constantly ask, “How will this affiliate marketing support my goals?” If you find that the content you plan to write will not support those goals, chances are that it should not be a priority.

If you’re feeling disappointed or burnt out with your content marketing blog, you’re in luck. Here, we’ve created a complete blueprint for a successful content marketing strategy to generate organic traffic.

Our goal is to attract the right traffic suited to our front end funnel (Breakthrough Golden Secret).

If you have done your step#2 keyword planning (from our previous lesson) and picked the wrong keywords, you’ll find yourself with little to no traffic, or even worst no sales.

Create content that's relevant to your audience at every stage - identify problems and opportunities that your audience needs help with.

2. Decide On The Primary Topics You Want To Cover

A great content marketing planning starts with your own business vision & values because…

Getting people to buy into your vision — basically, the people who can relate to what kind of content you are writing. That people will trust you with their money. 

Here are some best tips in deciding the topic you want to cover:

3. Content Marketing Using Google Analytics

Categorize all of your content topics based on your selected keyword phrase. Not only you better measure which topics are working best for you, but this will also help when you want to repackage your content in the future.

Use Google Analytics to better understand which posts and pages are resonating most strongly with your target audience.

organic search google analytics

There you will see the number of page views.

When deciding what kind of content to create, one thing to consider is consistency and the value you can give to your audience.

4. Get Social Shares Of Your Content

Creating content is only the first step. 

Creating a plan to share your article is another thing to get the success you want using content marketing.

Sharing your content using Social media is one of the best ways you can use.

We do not want to be victimized of “hope marketing” by hoping and praying that someone will land to your article or post. 

Here are the best tips in getting social shares of your content:

  1. Make sure you have an account with Twitter. If you don’t have one, click here on how to make a Twitter account.
  2. Go to twitter and search for keywords related to your article.
  3. Check people who share your keywords and click on the profile to see if they provide their email or website.
  4. Start following some people. 
  5. Once you already started following people, go to all my tweets.
  6. Click “Log in with Twitter” button
  7. Authorize all my tweets by signing in to Twitter.
  8.  Enter your Twitter username to view all their tweets, likes, or followers.
  9. Click “Following”
  10. Look for their website (in case you can’t find it from item #3).
  11. Once you already get their email. Send them an email. (see below example).

Email Sample:

TIP: When you insert your article link, make sure to shorten your URL using Bitly

5. Understand what content is working for you and not working

With content marketing, you need to know what types of content is working and what you need to adjust or improve.

You need to dig deeper and look at the performance of your content so you can make continual improvements.

Collect some data from Google Analytics and figure out your content KPIs (key performance indicator) that can relate best to your audience. 

For example, do you need to track the number of email subscribers per piece of content?

Decide which other keywords or phrases you want to collect or topics to improve your content marketing strategies.


It’s critical to get a system in place and get into the practice of measuring everything you are doing.

Affiliate marketing is NOT only about the commission you are getting from the product vendor, but it is important to focus on giving value to your audience. The more value people get from reading your content, the more likely they are going to share it on their social media, and then it gets shared again and again, and again. A single piece of high-quality valuable content might be all you need to get those first commissions rolling in.

If you stick with this blueprint to create the perfect content marketing strategy – affiliate marketing can be a big source of revenue.

Be helpful and trustworthy!